PiG’s Pen in Phnom Penh

Fantastic few days of storytelling at Northbridge International School and Australian International School in Phnom Penh. Big thanks to Kate Watson-Penhall, Stacey Cadence Hilgenberg and Authors Abroad for making this happen.

Dear Clive,

I hope Phnom Penh is treating you well.

Just to let you know I emailed Robin at Authors Abroad the following:

I wanted to write to let you know what a fantastic time we had with Clive Pig in our school these last two days. He was inspiring and energetic. The assembly he delivered to our KG-G5 students was wonderful – he had every child enraptured and engaged, and his wealth of knowledge of stories was staggering! Through his workshops, he was brilliant at engaging all of our students, from our 5-year-olds to our 14-year-olds, and the teachers, too. He left behind a buzz in our school about storytelling, and we would love to have him back in the future. His visit was a great start to – and indeed a highlight of – our book week.

Many students have been inspired to continue writing stories inspired by the stories Clive shared, and his books are already being enjoyed by almost a hundred of our students.

In addition, I’d like to share some of the comments that our Grade 3 students made following your visit:
“Clive Pig was fun, funny and inspiring for writing.” Jessica
“I think he is really funny.” Piseth
“Hi Clive Pig, I read your book. Your book is fantastic and funny. From, Elsa”
“I really like Clive Pig’s stories. They’re super funny.” Gavin
“I like how Mouse Deer escaped the hole and I wonder how the elephant escaped the hole.” Kaian
“I think he is really nice and funny. I enjoyed the story he told us about Mouse Deer.” Vong

Our teachers, too, have been inspired to use what they learned from you with their students. It’s great that you have had such an immediate impact. Thank you for sharing your passion with us and leaving us richer.

All the best in your onward travels – I hope you found some stories here in Cambodia that you will take with you.

Kind regards,

Ms Kate Watson-Penhall
Literacy Coach
Reading Specialist
NAU PD Coordinator

I take my hat off to all at Northbridge International School

Blog featuring visit to Northbridge: https://www.nordangliaeducation.com/en/our-schools/cambodia/article/2020/3/6/wonderful-book-week-2020-at-northbridge-a-celebration-of-books-reading-and-all-things-literary

PiG in Phnom Penh